Throttle Controller

What does a Throttle Controller do?
A Throttle Controller is a compact device that connects between your gas pedal sensor and throttle body, allowing you to control how your vehicle responds to pedal input. With an included remote, you can easily adjust throttle responsiveness by turning a dial to increase or decrease response sensitivity. Our Throttle Controller minimizes lag—the time it takes your car to respond after pressing the gas pedal. By refining this signal, it enables the Throttle Body Blade to open faster, delivering instant responsiveness that surpasses manual attempts.
Be cautious of imitation devices that won’t actually reduce lag but merely amplify the gas pedal signal, making it seem like you’ve pressed the pedal harder than you have.
Will you notice a significant improvement with our Throttle Controller?
The answer is a resounding Yes! It provides a noticeable enhancement over the stock setup—no other engine mod offers such a pronounced improvement, short of adding a supercharger. Not only does a Throttle Controller eliminate initial pedal delay, but it also lets you customize how your car reacts to acceleration, offering a feel similar to a traditional cable-connected throttle. Regardless of horsepower, a Throttle Controller maximizes power delivery to the ground for optimal performance.
Do you need one?
Most cars from 2005 and newer use a "Drive by Wire" throttle system controlled by the ECU. When you press the gas pedal, the signal goes first to the ECU, which processes factors like speed, gear, RPM, air intake, and throttle position before deciding how much to open the throttle. This delay, aimed at optimizing fuel economy, comfort, and emissions, can hinder instant acceleration when you need it. Our Throttle Controller removes this delay, giving you a level of control reminiscent of older cars with cable-connected throttles.